
The right data at the right time

Akindi’s status dashboard offers relevant, real-time information, actionable insights, and key reports to understand student performance.

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Better feedback,
Actionable Insights

Custom controls and reporting help instructors better understand how each test went, and gives visibility to key data for improving future assessments.

Improve Student Assessment

Akindi builds easy-to-understand reports that use item analysis, KR-20, and the point biserial to report on student performance. Reports also include feedback on test design, helping instructors make targeted changes to future assessments.

Adjust the Data as Needed

Edit the answer key anytime. Akindi will regrade the assessments against the new answer key.

Easily Collaborate on Assessments

Instructors and TAs can easily collaborate on an assessment with adjustable editing, viewing, and administrative privileges. Akindi is flexible enough to accommodate the largest of classes.


Provide Students with Insightful Feedback

When you email students their grades, they'll be shown their marks and percentage grade, as well as the answers they selected. Correct answers can also be displayed next to any incorrect responses.
